Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sweaty Mama and Other Happenings

Yesterday my parents arrived from Colorado.  Just like Anders' other grandparents, they were anxious to meet their newest grandson.  Here is Grandma Ruth showing Anders a new way to be held, he seemed to really like it so Will and I need to try it out.  Grandma and Grandpa stopped in Iowa to see my sister Sarah, her husband Mike, and Zach and Drew.  My sisters sent a huge bag of clothes for Anders - I think he might have more clothes than Will and I do.  One thing my mom is going to have to help me with is getting my head around organizing all of this stuff so that we can easily find something that fits Anders each morning.  My parents also refinished the changing table I bought in Colorado - we are very excited to have it.  I will take a picture of it later this week as we get Anders' room put together.  

Here is Anders working on his baby model poses.  He thinks he looks pretty good here. 

Here he is making shadow figures to entertain himself.   He is very talented - this is his Saguaro cactus shadow figure. 

Lucy and I broke out the running gear today while Grandma Ruth fed Anders a bottle and Dad and Grandpa Dick went to the flea market.  The run was short - only 2 miles, but I figured that since I hadn't run since January, 2 miles was a good start.  It is also about the max distance Lucy can do comfortably any more (hard to believe that she used to go on 12 mile runs with me a few years ago).  It was a great run and I'm excited to go again, hopefully with Anders soon.  Here we are full of happy energy after the run.  I also seem to have a lovely halo.  

Grandpa Bill and Grandma Kathie arrived today from Wisconsin as well.   Unfortunately they arrived just in time for Anders and I to crash - we took a 2 hour nap!  I guess the last couple of days have caught up with me.  Actually, Anders slept for 5 hours, allowing me to eat the delicious homemade spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, bread and salad dinner Will made.  The only thing we didn't grow was the lettuce (we ate all of that already), carrots, and a few of the tomatoes (we had to supplement as our tomatoes are running out).  

Finally, it was also an exciting football weekend.  Rumor has it that Grandpa Bill was very into football on Saturday - that is what Saturdays are for, right?  Iowa beat Iowa State, though I believe Will wasn't thrilled with Iowa's performance.  And my dad had to go to a sports bar for a while to watch the big Bronco game - another exciting game with bad plays, interceptions, and nail-biting moments.  But the Broncos beat the Chargers which has my dad in a really great mood.  

Here is Anders entertaining everyone with various facial expressions.  Each day Anders seems to spend more time awake, though the 5 hour nap would seem to contradict that today, except that when my parents and I snuck out of the house to run a couple of errands Anders decided that he needed to be awake and held so that Will couldn't work on the bathroom floor.  He also seems to be less crabby about diaper changes, which is really nice.  It is really hard to change his diapers when he is crabby and pulling his legs up to his chest! 


Anonymous said...

I'm lovin' seeing Anders with some of the grandparents. I know it must have taken some real patience on their parts to wait as long as they did.
And, that boy is talented....I love his shadow figure practice. This on the heals of his gang sign practice of last week!
Good for you Sandy....I'm so proud of you for being back out there already!

Carrie and Rob said...

Anders has Will's nose. He's like a little scrunchy Will, which is actually pretty much like Will looks now that I think of it.... but Anders is a cute version.

Was Anders excited about his first Hawkeye victory? I hope so.

Sarah said...

I agree with Joyce- that boy is talented! Can't wait to see what he comes up with next!

It's neat to see all of the pictures. When I see him in that outfit of Drew's, I can't believe Drew wore it a whole 6 months ago! Time flies, so take note of every little detail!

fredecker said...

Anders might punch you for calling him scrunchy. He's kind of a fighter, especially when you're changing his diaper. If all else fails he'll pee at you.
His first Hawkeye win was Florida International and he wasn't that excited. He did wake up for the beginning of the second half but I think it was just to take a dump. After I changed his diaper he slept through the rest of the game.
He's stoked for Pitt though.