Sunday, September 07, 2008

More pictures and fun times

Here is the baby working on his gang signs.  Unfortunately we didn't have the camera with us when we was pumping his fist in the air during a nap in the swing.  The swing, which we borrowed from Rob and Carrie, I have to admit has been great (both Will and I were reluctant to borrow it as we felt a big swing would make our house seem even smaller, but it is worth it). 

Here is he on his first night home.  This bassinet has been in my family for 3 generations now, starting with my Uncle John who was the first baby to sleep in it in 1940.  Both my mom and dad slept in the bassinet too, as my grandparents on both sides were good friends and my mom's parents loaned the bassinet to my dad's parents before he was born.  Several of my cousins, my sisters and I and several of my cousins kids, as well as my sister's kids have slept in this bassinet.  Everyone's name and date of birth is on the bottom of the basket and eventually this baby's name will join them.  Hopefully today.  

Here he is being cute. 

Since his poops are no longer black tar, we have started to use his cloth diapers.  These are the one size diapers and are set at the smallest size.  He is quite small.  One good thing about the size of these diapers is that it helps all the onesies that are way too big for him fit better.  I did go buy some infant onesies yesterday for him and those are bit better.  

He looked like a Weeble once we got his onesie on.  It was very funny. 

Another first for today - the baby slept in his crib for a while.  

Will is making good progress on the bathroom floor.  He has the border all figured out and installed on two sides.  From my perspective, getting the border just right seemed to be the hardest thing so far, I assume because the bathroom isn't a uniform square, but it looks really cool so far and I  know when he is done the bathroom will be fabulous.  

So, we are making progress on things.  Because we weren't expecting the baby to be here until next week, we have a lot of unfinished stuff in progress - like the nursery.  We are also adjusting pretty well, I think, to our new life.  Tomorrow will be the first big test as Will goes back to work and I officially start maternity leave.  My plans for tomorrow are to take Lucy (who ignores the baby) and the baby out for a walk in the baby jogger.  I also really would like to go to the co-op, but might save that for Tuesday.  We also have a nurse stopping by tomorrow to check on us.  I am doing great.  My tailbone still hurts a bit when I sit, but I can walk pretty normally now.  I weighed myself yesterday and was pleased to discover I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight, though I felt that I was 10 lbs overweight then so I have some work to do.  Not to mention the fact that I have probably lost some muscle tone.  

The lack of sleep either hasn't hit me or isn't as bad as it could have been.  Our first two nights home have been interesting - the first night was good.  I was up with him for about 2 hours and then got up with him around 2 or 3 am and brought him to bed with us where we all slept until 6:30.  Last night was a bit different.  We all went to bed at 10 pm and I got up at 1:30 surprised that it was the first I was getting up.  I fed the baby, changed his diaper and was ready to put him down (asleep) around 2:15, when the phone rang!  It was a wrong number.  This seemed to wake him up but he also got super fussy and wouldn't settle down.  I had to pee badly so I handed him off to Will who discovered he had a very messy diaper - I never heard it happen so it was a surprise to me too.  So Will was dealing with that and then all of a sudden Lucy decided to throw up in our bedroom!  We finally all got into bed at 3:15 or so and slept through until 6:30 again.  Hopefully tonight will be less eventful.  

Ok, we have to have a name by tomorrow before Will goes to work, so expect an update soon.  I have no idea how we will make the update - calls, emails or blog.  As soon as we know, we will let you know his name.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the newsy entry and for all the helps those of us who are so far away know how things are going and what the little guy looks like. I love the bassinet story....especially that BOTH of your parents slept in it, although presumably not at the same time. Also, I love the way the floor is looking so far. Will is doing a great job, as usual. Love you guys.

Carrie and Rob said...

Ok, that first picture REALLY looks like Will. I'm happy to be home from Scotland so we can get caught up on this stuff. I can't believe he came out while we were gone! Name him already! I'll find you the power cord for that swing. I have it here somewhere.

Sarah said...

Great pictures, guys! He sure is a cutie! Will, good job on the floor- it looks really cool. Excitedly awaiting a name...

Anonymous said...

we're finally home and i'm so excited to see our new little nephew (mini-will until his name has been decided)! it's probably a good thing that we didn't see the photos and videos before we got back to IC or i might have made us hop a quick flight to MN while we were at o'hare just to give him some squeezes and kisses.
sandy, i can't wait to hear the full labor and delivery story!
lots of love to the three of you...

Goldenzinns said...

Yes we each slept in the bassinet but almost a year apart. We too love the progress on the floor and the pictures of "Clocker" are so sweet. Thanks for sending them along. We too are anxiously waiting a name selection as well as to see and hold him.

W.F. Decker said...

Those interested in attempting to decide if Sleepy McGee (the name Will provided me a couple days ago) looks like his father or not may wish to navigate on over to "Bill & Kathie's blog" for some additional input.

Betsy said...


Anonymous said...

A unique and distinguished name,befitting the outstanding individual he is destined to become...much more fitting than Max or Jack. Good job guys..all 3 of you! Sending lots of love your way little Anders. Try to eat a little quieter tonight ok, so your parents can get a little more sleep; you probably don't know it yet but parents can get really cranky when they are sleep deprived....hugs and kisses...grammie