Friday, September 05, 2008

More pictures while we wait for the name.

OK, so we're all home now.  Originally we were going to stay at the hospital until we settled on the name but it became clear that that would mean staying there all day.  So we bagged that and came home.  
Whatsisname has been a good sleeper today, hopefully that won't mean a restless night, we could really use a good night's sleep.
He doesn't seem especially impressed with the house, he might think we're kind of slobs.  I don't think he probably cares that the toilet is in the back yard since he mostly goes in his pants like his uncle Rob.  But I'd still like to get it reinstalled before we start getting lots of visitors.
So whatshisname has interesting feet right now the skin has an interesting texture.  It reminds me of elephant skin, but I'm guessing it's a lot softer.  I've never touched an elephant.  I'd recommend clicking the picture to make it bigger so you can see the detail.  If you're not into feet just go on to the next one.
This picture makes me think of the word "pensive" but it also looks like he's doing that vogue thing Madonna used to do.  I hope he doesn't turn out to be a big Madonna fan.

This next one isn't especially interesting but it gives a good idea of relative size.

He's very small.


Anonymous said...

He is going to be your best friend.


Sarah said...

LOVE the last picture- of Clocker and his daddy. Brought tears to my eyes. Mike and I think Clocker (we'll call him that until you two settle on something better) is very cute. Hope you get some sleep tonight. Good job on a funny blog entry, Will.

Clare said...

Yippee! Soo cute! And make sure whatever his name ends up being lends itself well to Sawbill nicknames-Be careful or he could end up like Mandrox.

Anonymous said...

He is so darn cute I can hardly stand it. I'm glad he doesn't require a toilet yet. Maybe you should just stick with Clocker. It could be worse. Don't you just love how he pulls his legs up under him when he is on his belly? Mom always said parents should sleep when the baby is sleeping....good advice I think.

zinncaulfield said...

Precious pictures! I really think he looks like Will--at least in the second one. Luckily I haven't seen Will's feet up that close! I think it's too bad they don't come out potty trained. Today, I asked Cam, "Where do we go poop?" (since we're in the throws of it) and he answers "On the potty...and sometimes on the floor!" See what you can look forward to. :)

Betsy said...

How did I miss this post? I didn't go to bed that early....
Fortunately something drew me out of bed and to the computer.
I'm glad you didn't let the hospital force you to choose a name before you were, this way you've had time to read over all of my emailed suggestions.
I love those feet AND the sleeping position.

Betsy said...

Also....did they footprint him? If so they got him pretty clean afterward!

Anonymous said...

A good night's sleep...that is where grandparents can be helpful (hint...hint) A little lotion on those feet probably wouldn't hurt. What a precious little bundle he is. I'll continue to call him

Anonymous said...

I still think Kelso is the way to go! He is very cute. Maybe he will be great environmentalist and save the planet. Dan

Sawbill Crew said...

How about Momboto? Nice ring to it.