For Carrie's recent challenge: some gardening pictures.
I love growing squash, but it always takes over the yard. If you look carefully, you will find 3 giant spaghetti squash hanging on the trellis.
And only one Acorn squash as far as I can tell.
And now some obligatory pictures of Anders. We don't have any pictures of him sleeping since he was a wee babe. I couldn't resist. He was taking a late nap and I needed to get him up for dinner. He loves this puppy and always rolls on his side and hugs it.
On Tuesday I came home early so that Will could catch a plane. I was desperately trying to get some reports done and turned in before the end of the day and Anders was particularly busy. He wandered off and I took a few minutes to catch up on those reports. I decided I better check on him and discovered him half way up the stairs. Here are some shots of him climbing the stairs the other night.
Sometimes he has to rest.
And today he got busy in the backyard. He is especially fond of water.
And then later, he was very quiet and we discovered him in his favorite corner of the living room. This is where we keep the phone. He seemed to have snuck over there.
He is also starting to stand on his own a bit and lately has been wanting to feed himself with whatever utensil I am using. He is actually quite good at getting the food to his mouth, that is when he isn't waving it around in triumph for getting it away from me. There is a lot of food on the floor after meals these days.
Geesh....he's calling Aunt Betsy again!
Perhaps his first word will be "Hello" like Cam!
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