Monday, July 17, 2006

One thing that's nice to do in the summer when it's hot is to go down in the nice cool basement and play pinball. Sadly that's also when all the dumbasses in the city think they need to air condition their houses down to 67 degrees. Right now our "120" AC power is running at 103 volts, I blame this on the excess power draw from all the air conditioners. The result is that you can turn the pinball machines on but when you try to use a flipper the power draw pulls the regulated +5VDC down and the computer resets. This makes for annoyingly short games.
I don't really understand why people think they need to have air conditioning in this state. I think I'm actually less comfortable at work in the AC than I would be without it, going back and forth from hot to cold every day is just annoying. I'd rather be hot all the time.
I hate air conditioning. Somebody should make a law or something.


Betsy said...

We did finally turn on our air conditioning a couple days ago during these hot hot days. But you'll be glad to know that we set it at 79 F. and we turn it off at night. We had a power outage today for about 1/2 an hour...I'm sure due to excessive over-cooling. I was just telling someone at class tonight that I often long for the days before we had AC at my school. I miss having the windows open!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, Will. I hate being in super cold buildings in the middle of the summer. I wear summer clothes and freeze my butt off. We have been keeping our air at 77 or 78, and if it's not humid, I open the doors and turn the air off.