Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Betsy and Pete popped in for a visit last week.

If you don't pay too much attention to me, it looks like Henry is going really fast.

Now, you might be thinking that Henry perpetually sticks his tounge out when he's riding a bike. That's not entirely true, he will occasionally pull it in so that he can say "bike!" Lucy however does stick her tounge out when she wants a turn.
OK here are the last two.


Anonymous said...

Great photos! Especially enjoyed the last two. Very sweet.
If that boy is going for bike rides he needs a helmet...never too early to get him in the habit! Sandy...I LOVE the yellow bike. What a great purchase!

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention that I noticed Henry's loon shirt...a hand-me-down from Sam I think. Very appropriate that he should wear it when visiting the north country!

W.F. Decker said...

If Henry is sticking his tounge out when engaged in "serious business", then he is related to my Uncle Ed, who always had his out when working with his hands to repair some complicated piece of machinery or when trying to squeeze a bolt's nut into some tight spot.

amber c. said...

that is one handsome nephew you two have! and what quality photos that fancypants camera takes!