So, I've had trouble getting posts up, but we have been taking pictures. These go back to before Anders' birthday.
The Sawbill sweatshirt from Will's childhood finally fits Anders and it was cool enough for a sweatshirt a couple of days in August. I'm actually not sure if this was ever Will's sweatshirt. It may have been Rob or Betsy's.
Anders likes to do a lot of climbing on things. He thinks it is especially fun to rock in this chair standing up.
A little light reading...this also helps diaper changes go a lot better.
He really likes going for rides around the yard in his Tonka dump truck. It is kind of hard on my back though!
And playing in water is still a favorite past time.
Ok, this next series of pictures may make me seem kind of vain since I'm posting several pictures of us, but the progression of goofiness cracks me up. This is on Anders' birthday.
More climbing on things. Apparently he is very much like his dad was.
A ball rolled under the entertainment center, so what does he do? He goes right up to the entertainment center and rolls another ball under it! Actually, I think they are still there.
Anders has also gotten way into sitting in his walker wagon.
He ate half of my post run breakfast smoothie. It is hard to not share with a face like that!
I love this picture. He loves to watch Will leave for work in the morning. He stands there and pounds on the door and blows kisses. It is really cute. I found out today that it is fun to be on the other side of the door as I left for work.
We've had these sunglasses since before he was born, but he wasn't into them until this week. Apparently last night he was so into them, he wouldn't go to bed without them on. This is first thing this morning.
And this is what happens when he just takes them off and randomly drops them as you are walking through the kitchen. They landed right in the flour, which Will had open as he was making waffles for the two of them this morning.
Will called me before they left for the Montessori today and said that he happened across Sesame Street and Anders basically froze in front of it. It was his first time seeing it. I hadn't really planned on exposing him to TV yet, or rather, TV geared specifically for kids (he gets way more exposure to the Daily Show, Steven Colbert and sports than I ever dreamed he would) but apparently he loved it tons. Will says he was very needy and didn't want to be put down and then this came on and he was spellbound. Hmmm...sounds kind of tempting.
He's a lucky little boy to have parents that obviously love him so much and care for him so well.
Thanks for all the adorable pictures. Drew loves to put cars and stuff under the stove here. Show Anders how to get the ball out with a yardstick, and then he'll really entertain himself. Oh, and I loved the pictures of all three of you from Anders' birthday. Too funny! Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks!
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