Thursday, May 20, 2010


Some of you may remember the post back in November 2008 of Anders in his collection of hats. If you don't, here is your chance to walk down memory lane:

Well, in the last month or so, he has been into hats again. In the last week, he has been especially into them, grabbing one right away in the morning and some times going to bed with one on.

Buckets are also fun to put on your head if a hat isn't around.

This is actually the last weekend in April. We went to his school program Saturday morning and then had to make a very quick (1 night only) trip up to the lake to meet with the guy that is designing our cabin for us. I'm making a public commitment to get the video from his program posted. Hopefully tomorrow night.

Breakfast - some yummy yogurt (don't tell him I'm sneaking vegies into it, yep, I'm still flavoring his yogurt now with things like sweet potatoes, peas and fruit - the fruit actually seems to out flavor the vegies).

Oh, I had to stick this picture in - we bought this sweet table and chairs set at the flea market last weekend. They need to be stripped and repainted, but there is a hole in the table for an umbrella. And yes, he is eating yogurt again.

Here he is this morning. he likes to wear his hats backwards.

Ok, this next series of pictures is also from this morning. I got him dressed and thought he looked so cute in Cam's shirt and shorts and I think Henry's shoes (thanks guys!) that I just had to take a picture. He wouldn't hold still though. These pictures crack me up.


Betsy said...

Thanks for the update!!!! Pete and I were just saying tonight how much we miss Anders. Hugs and kisses to him.

Sarah said...

Oh, it has been too long since I've seen Anders! Every post he looks so much older and bigger! I think he and Drew will have so much fun the next time they're together!

Goldenzinns said...

Your baby is becoming a little boy and a very cute one at that. Love the "hats backward" and Cam outfit pictures and the haircut!

zinncaulfield said...

Adorable! The comment about how he wouldn't stand still cracks me up b/c it speaks to his busy-ness!