Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happenings, in no particular order

Lots going on in MN: work, work, & more work, Grammie came for a visit, New Mamas went to Roller Derby, skiing and snowshoeing in the North Woods, and more...

Valentine's Day Party at school - good food and lots of fun was had by all.

A huge milestone - peed in the potty for the first time ever! We were all very excited, the reward: lots of cheering and flushing the toilet!

Play dough from Cindy Lou - he loves it!

Helped Dad put fenders on his bike so that they can start riding home from school and work sooner than later.

Found something better to watch.

Goofed around a bit.

Helped shovel a bit.

Added a few more words to his repertoire: gentle, down stairs, skis, stink, cereal, shovel, apple and figured out how to climb up on the chairs and the couch, now we have to figure out how to keep the counters and table tops clean! Never a dull moment.


Betsy said...

He's looking so big! Did he really keep the play-doh so nice and separated? It won't stay that way for long.

Joyce said...

Hey....good pics. I agree....he's looking like such a big boy. I think I recognize a shirt. Was the grey, orange and navy shirt Sam's? or am I just nutty?

W.F. Decker said...

You really know how to make a grandfather miss his grandson!! (Oh! And his grandson's parents.)

carrie said...

he and E keep looking so much alike to me! hugs and kisses to that cute little guy!

Sarah said...

I agree with Betsy- Anders is looking so big! Drew picked up his phone again today and said, "Anners." He misses his cousin!

zinncaulfield said...

Cam and I enjoyed the pics. (Not that Tom didn't, he just wasn't here). Can't believe how many words he has and how big he looks! Great job on the potty!