Anders seems to be growing up very quickly. Each day he does something that surprises us. Lately he has been experimenting with walking - doing about 3 or 4 steps at a time. We also just realized that blowing kisses also means something like "I want" or "eat" - we aren't totally sure yet. That or he loves everything so much he wants to kiss it. I don't know.
He has very few fears and constantly surprises us with the stuff he has figured out. He knows that keys go in the lock in the back door and what I mean when I ask him to turn the light off or on.
He likes to put things inside or on top of things as he is doing here, though, I'm not totally convinced he wasn't going for Will's toast 0r whatever that is. You can also see in this picture that the naughty elves that constantly put stuff all over our counter tops had visited the night before this picture was taken. They drive me insane! I can spend an entire evening cleaning the kitchen and less than 24 hours later have no counter space on which to make dinner.
You might think this is Anders trying to do his own silly face, like his cousin Drew, but actually, he has started anticipating the flash which can lead to some funny pictures.
This spider hat on loan from his cousin Cam might serve as his Halloween costume this year, it just fits him, but doesn't stay on very long.
Anders is so brilliant he can already print his name, unfortunately, he also likes to put the chalk in his mouth, so his time with the chalkboard wasn't very long lived.
I have no words for this one. It just cracks me up. Another hat on loan from cousin Cam, which buys me more time to decide what kind of hat I should knit for him. It also matches the winter coat we got for him at REI at the scratch and dent sale last year - bonus! Thanks Cam for loaning Anders your hats. He will take good care of them so that Myles can wear them too.
In other news, I've confirmed that spending time in laundromat and running out of fuel are not good uses of my time. Our washing machine conked out on Friday, after I had loaded it up with dirty diapers. Will tried to fix it that night, but to no avail. I really didn't want to spend any of my Saturday at a laundromat, but we really needed to wash those diapers. Hopefully the repair guy will show up as scheduled tomorrow.
And then today on the way to work, I ran out of fuel for the first (and I hope last) time ever. Stupid! The low fuel light went off on Friday on my way to work, but we can usually get 50 more miles out of the tank. Well, looking back at it, I probably got 60 miles. Apparently engines don't do so well with air in the fuel line, and diesels are even worse to get started after the fact. I nearly killed my battery and Will had to borrow a coworker's car to give me jump while we got my car running again. I also had help from one of my managers who was nearby on his way to work. Take it from me - don't let this happen to you!