Wednesday, September 03, 2008

She's having a baby

So the baby is on the way.  The birthday will be 9/3 or 9/4/08.  We're hoping for 9/3.
We've been at the hospital since about 10am (it's now 8:45pm.)
There was a long period of contractions with little to show for it, Sandy seemed to be stuck at 4cm dilation.  
Around 6 she got an epidural and has been feeling much better since then.  She's continuing to have strong contractions but remains comfortable.  They're going to check the dilation again around 9.  Hopefully we'll get a better idea of timing after that.
The baby appears to be doing fine based on it's heart rate.  And it's in position as soon as the path is clear.


Sarah said...

Can't wait to hear more about my new little niece or nephew! Good job, Sam! You'll be a mom anytime! I know it's hard, but keep it up! Love you!

Betsy said...

Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!!!!!!!!
Hooray Hooray!!!!!!