Friday, September 26, 2008


Before somebody questions whether or not Will and I are fit to be parents, I should probably clarify the deal with the mousetraps.  Joyce, you are right, they are intended to keep Lucy off the furniture.  They are not set, however, as Lucy once was startled by a set mousetrap that she discovered and now steers clear of all mousetraps, set or not.  Also, these have never been used other than on the furniture.  We learned this trick from my parents, who used to care if our dogs got on the furniture, though now their dog seems to rule the couch!  Anyway you set some traps on whatever you don't want the dog on and then put newspaper over the traps so the dog doesn't get hurt, but just gets a big surprise.  We used the newspaper once then decided that since Lucy has a healthy respect for mousetraps that we would just toss them on the furniture before we leave the house.  So, don't worry about the dog or the baby or the mother-in-law sitting dangerously close to the mousetrap with the baby in that last post! 

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