Friday, April 03, 2009

Finally! An update.

Ok, it has been so long that I forgot that you have to put pictures on a certain way if you want them to be in order. I find Blogger to be a bit annoying that way. So these are in reverse order.

Since our last post so very long ago, Anders has spent some of his time doing:

Working on standing and playing in his bouncy seat. He is a normal baby who likes to drop his toys.

He really likes to stand a lot.

Hanging out with his Uncle Tom - who he met for the first time on this trip and really, really liked. Also Uncle Mike was there, but somehow avoided getting in any pictures I took.

Hanging out with Aunt Becky in Glenwood Springs, Colorado - up in the mountains about 2 hours west of Golden. He also got to go swimming in the hot springs there, but he is waiting for Aunt Becky to email him some pictures of that good time because his mom didn't have her camera at the pool. Hint, hint...

Admiring cousin Cam's bedhead. Actually, I think Anders might be jealous of Cam's full head of hair.

Distracting Grandma Ruth at Cam's birthday party. Cam is 3 now.

Eating lunch with cousin Drew (who just turned 1) in the sun on Grandpa and Grandma's deck, while cousins Zach and Cam got to go to the zoo.

It was 70 degrees almost every day we were there. It was so nice. Anders loves to be outside.

This is right before we left for the airport. There are several things this picture makes me think of. First, this is the first and only time that Lucy has actually cuddled with Anders. She usually avoids his grasp, but I guess she maybe knew he and I were leaving or something. It was kind of like she was saying goodbye, but she lived through the week (and beyond) and was here to greet us when we got home. Also, Will is helping Anders sit up here - he was still a little tippy, but when we returned from Colorado he was able to sit up without help. Also, we thought we were being smart dressing him in PJs for the plane (our flight was at his bedtime) but it was horribly hot on the plane and I ended up stripping him down to his diaper to cool him off. Oh well. Oh, he also came back from Colorado chatty as ever. He loves to say ba-ba-ba-ba and da-da-da-da and sometimes makes a hilarious face as he does it. We might have a film of him doing it, but you will have to wait for Will to post that. He is the keeper of the films.

Will is trying to take a nap here. Anders wasn't having it.

Grammie delivered a porta-crib. He likes to play in it - most of the time. He has his moments where he doesn't want us to put him down still, but usually that is when he is tired or hungry.

Since spring is here we will be getting our bikes out soon, so we went to REI and got him a helmet. It fits better than it looks like it does.

Ok and the big thing he did is started eating lots of solids. His diet includes squash, sweet potato (one of his favorites, in fact I have 3 sweet potatoes in the kitchen just waiting to be made into baby food), pears, bananas, avocado, apples, green beans, peas, rice cereal and plain yogurt. He loves yogurt. He eats 3 times a day now. The green vegies aren't his favorite, but he is doing better at them. If you are planning on making baby food, I highly recommend an immersion (or wand) blender. My friend Beth recommended it and I must say she is brilliant! The first few batches of baby food I made were kind of pesky as I made them in the blender and was constantly battling the air bubbles that kept forming in the blender - none of that with the immersion blender. It is super fast and easy to clean up. I really like making the baby food - just to know exactly what is going into his food makes me feel good and thankfully the Montessori allows us to bring our own food. It is also a lot easier than people think - I even made all the baby food he ate when we were in Colorado. I have just 2 issues right now - freezer space and I really want to give him fresh apricots but they aren't in season right now. Oh well.


Sarah said...

Lots of great pictures! We miss you guys!

Betsy said...

I don't know...according to your post he is a "normal baby" but according to his shirt he is the "world's cutest baby". I'm not sure what to believe.

zinncaulfield said...

Loved the one of Anders and Lucy!