Wednesday, January 27, 2010


No, we haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I'm just a bit (ok a lot) overwhelmed by work these days and TIRED at the end of they day. So here is a quick entry, while I listen to Obama and simultaneously crack up at the faces Biden and Pelosi are making and feel sorry for them for having to sit where they are. I guess that is just part of the job though.

Anders is growing up fast. We started making a list of the "words" he is using. Some of them, probably only Will and I would understand, but some of them are very clear - like diaper! He is also very interested in sitting on the toilet - with the lid up like the adults do. On one hand the idea of potty training him is exciting (the Montessori will help even) but on the other hand also seems daunting. So we are starting with pointing out when he is pooping - if you ask him he will point to his diaper. Don't worry, we have no delusions of grandeur here. The first thing he did with the potty was put the bowl part on his head, he then spent the weekend pushing and carrying the potty all over the house. Not a good habit to get into...

Ok, words and my attempt spell his way of saying them.
  • Diaper = generally clearly diaper
  • Boo = boo!
  • Chickadee = ka-dee
  • Dad = da or da-da
  • water = wawa
  • banana = nana
  • apple sauce = bapa, though last night he clearly said apple
  • Brr = burr
  • All done = ahh dah
  • Bye-bye = clearly bye-bye, with either a wave or sometimes a kiss, which involves a nice kiss sound
  • Hi = clearly Hi - I love this - he and Will get home a few hours before I do, so when I come in each night I am greeted with a hearty Hi!
  • Yogurt = gogur
  • Hot = hat! hat! hat!
  • Dog = dah
  • Outside = ow-si
  • Oh-oh = oh-oh or sometimes ooh-ooh
  • Good job = goo jaaa
  • Bike - ba-ba?! The question mark at the end is because he always says it with question because he wants to go downstairs to see the bikes.
  • Go Hawks! - this doesn't really sound quite like Go Hawks, but he clearly is saying it and he gives a little arm pump, which is hilarious.
He also loves brushing his teeth - if you ask him if we should go brush his teeth, he drops whatever he is doing and heads for the bathroom. This morning as we were getting ready to leave, I said "we need to get your hat and mittens on" and a minute later he brought me his hat and mittens. I was pretty impressed. Things are going well at the new Montessori. He really loves it there - sometimes he doesn't even want to stop to take off his jacket before joining in whatever activities they have going on. Today when we got there, he said hi to one of his classmates. It was cute.