Will and I took turns holding Anders on Sunday in order to get a few things done. The big thing was harvesting and digging plants out of our garden. That stuff in the middle of the picture in the big basket is all basil. Today I spent 3 hours removing the leaves from the stems so that Will could make us a gallon of pesto to freeze for the winter. It was very tedious. Ironically, in June I insisted that we didn't have enough basil and I bought two more plants just to be sure that we had enough so that I could eat tomato, mozzarella and basil salads all summer long. I obviously was wrong, but I'm not sure you can ever have too much basil.
Other than the stuff in the basket, these are the plants we are going to try to find a spot for in the house, though we had an unexpected frost last night, so who knows what will survive. We've got bay, tarragon, oregano, sage, rosemary and that tall thing on the right is basil.
Here is one of the things our neighbors get to see at least 3 times a week. I'm washing more right now in preparation for our trip to the lake.
The big news for Obama this weekend was his endorsement by Colin Powell, but I'm sure that Barack would be even more excited about this endorsement. Oh, I see that the shirt isn't super easy to read, but it says Obama Rocks for those of you that cannot make it out. Also, Anders likes the Beatles.
Tune in next week for adventures in the wilderness with a 7 week old and no electricity or running water.
Oh and Lucy is doing quite well - she really wants to go for a walk, but isn't allowed to yet (besides, I think she would be mortified if any other dogs saw her with this poodle cut). She is showing more interest in Anders these days and is putting up a fight when it comes to taking her meds and coming up with all kinds of reasons for us to give her more treats. No news yet from the lab on the grade of tumor or whether or not they got it all.